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All on Four & Implant Restoration

All-on-4® treatment concept
A minimally invasive solution with a fixed full-arch restoration for high patient satisfaction

In 1998 Dr. Paulo Malo successfully treated the first patient with the All-on-4® treatment concept. Since then hundreds of thousands of patients have been treated with this concept using Nobel Biocare implants.
The All-on-4® treatment concept is the best solution for full-arch treatment using tilted implants. But only when Nobel Biocare products are combined. Many have tried to mirror this groundbreaking concept, but only we have the scientifically documented success to back it up. 



What is the All-on-4® treatment concept? 

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a cost-efficient, graftless solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of surgery. 

Characteristics include:

  • Full-arch rehabilitation with only four implants 
    Two straight anterior implants and two implants tilted up to 45º in the posterior

  • Immediate Function (fixed provisional bridge)
    For patients meeting criteria for immediate loading of implants

  • Graftless procedure
    Bone grafting is avoided by tilting the posterior implants, utilizing available bone

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